Introduction to Funds
Posted Friday, 17th May 2019 by Jordan Murphy
The world of funds is a mystery to most of us but if you have ever wondered what they do or why people choose to invest in them then help is at hand …
CLIG is delighted to welcome Sara Galletly, BVI & Cayman Islands Regulatory Counsel at offshore firm Mourant Ozannes, who will provide insight into this area of legal practice. Sara has extensive experience working with offshore funds and is going to be talking us through how funds work, who invests in them, structures and strategies, key jurisdictions, offshore vs onshore roles, and the differences between hedge funds and private equity.
Following the talk there will be an opportunity to network over a glass of wine and nibbles.
Date: Thursday 30 May 2019
Time: 6:15pm for 6:30pm start, followed by networking drinks
Venue: BDB Pitmans, 50 Broadway, Westminister, London, SW1H 0BL
Cost: £10 to members / non-member £28 (non-member’s ticket price includes one year’s CLIG membership until March 2020 – currently £18)
To register, email Jessica Loud with this form ( who will confirm your place and will advise you where to send your cheque (payable to 'City Legal Information Group' and not 'CLIG') for payment.