FCO Legal Knowledge & Information Manager: a profile
Posted Wednesday, 28th August 2019 by Grant Hood

Thursday 19th September
CLIG is excited to welcome Caroline Mack, Knowledge & Information Manager at the Legal Directorate of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), to talk us through what the FCO does, the structure of the Legal Directorate and her role, and how the FCO is dealing with current challenges such as Brexit.
Caroline will also touch on some of the public collections that are available such as the UK Treaties database and enquiry service and will provide a broad overview of what treaties are and why we have them.
Following the talk there will be an opportunity to network over a glass of wine and nibbles.
About the Speaker: Caroline Mack is head of the Legal Knowledge and Information Section of the FCO, where she is responsible for the legal library and knowledge and information management. She joined the FCO in 2000, working first as an Assistant Librarian and then as an Intranet Editor before moving to the Legal Directorate in 2010.
Date: Thursday 19th September 2019
Time: 6:15pm for a 6:30pm start, followed by networking drinks
Venue: Sidley Austin LLP, 25 Basinghall Street, London, EC2V 5HA
Cost: £10 for members / non-member £28 (non-member’s ticket price includes one year’s CLIG membership until March 2020 – currently £18)
To register please email Grant Hood (ghood@sidley.com) who will confirm your place and will advise you where to send your cheque (payable to 'City Legal Information Group' not 'CLIG') for payment.