CLIG Spring Party 2016
Posted Tuesday, 29th March 2016

The cold days and long dark nights of winter are finally behind us! So come celebrate the warmer days and lighter nights of spring with CLIG at our spring party. Food and drink will be provided for you to enjoy with your favourite legal information professionals. Please do come along – it will be a lovely night, and it won't be the same without you!
Thanks to the generous sponsorship of Hammicks and Signal the event is free to members and just £18 for non-members.
Date: Friday April 22
Time: 6:30pm until late
Venue: Finch's, 12A Finsbury Square, London, EC2A 1AN
Cost: Members: Free*
Non-members: £18
(ticket price includes one year’s CLIG membership until March 2017– currently £18)
Please register using the form below: