CLIG AGM and 40th Birthday celebrations
Posted Wednesday, 27th July 2016
CLIG is turning 40! Please join us for our Annual General Meeting and to celebrate this momentous occasion with some networking drinks at Doctor Johnson’s House, 17 Gough Square, London, EC4A 3DE.
The business of the AGM will include giving a brief overview of CLIG's activities over the past year and a glimpse of future events and seminars. We willa lso welcome the new Committee members.
The AGM will be followed by networking drinks and nibbles kindly sponsored by CB Resourcing, Justis, Legalinx-7side and Wildy & Sons.
Date: Friday 12th August 2016
Time: 6.15pm. The AGM will commence at 6.30pm
Venue: Doctor Johnson’s House, 17 Gough Square, London, EC4A 3DE.
Cost: member free* / non-member price £18
(non-members ticket price includes CLIG membership until March 2017)
To register please fill in the form below: