Spectacular Summer Online Party

Thursday, 25th June 2020 at 7:00pm

CLIG invites you to join us for virtual fun and frolics at our Summer party.


We’ve all being struggling to adapt to this strange situation we find ourselves in but help us celebrate and unite in this opportunity to share our experiences in usual CLIG cheer.


We’ll have games, stories, pictures and prizes.

We’ll have a loose schedule to release to you nearer the time so that those of you with busy home lives can choose when to attend.


We are asking for you, our members, to get involved!


  • We want to hear from you about all your lockdown stories. We are asking for stories, pictures and videos of your best bakes, exercise solutions, hair-cuts, home teaching efforts, household survival skills and anything that will get us talking. This is of course, optional so please feel free to come along and merely spectate!
  • Dress code: Optional fancy dress | Theme: Whatever you can find in your house! Feel free to glam up your backgrounds with tacky fayre – Christmas decorations welcome.
  • We regret that drinks this year will be self-serve but we’ll be sending cocktail and mocktail recipes beforehand for those of you who wish to go the extra mile
  • We’ll be having a special quiz round called “guess the movie or book” so if you and whoever is sharing your household, have an idea – please do recreate the scene and send a picture to us beforehand to spice this round up a bit.


Date: Thursday 25th June 2020

Time: From 7.00pm | a loose schedule will be released before hand for those members who have busy home commitments and can’t join for the whole session but wish to attend for a portion of time

Venue: Online! Details will be sent to registered attendees beforehand. We will be using RingCentral and will send instructions for how to join beforehand

Cost: member free / non-member £18 (non-member’s ticket price includes one year’s CLIG membership – currently £18)


To register for this event please login to the member’s area and go to “Join CLIG events”. If you are a member having issues registering the event through the website, please contact

If you have not yet created an account you will need to do so here. Non members and members who need to renew can now do this easily by selecting the pay by card option within the member’s area. For issues renewing online memberships please contact our membership secretary,

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