Researching Without Borders: international company information

Wednesday, 15th October 2014 at 9:00am till 11:00am

CLIG is delighted to present a breakfast seminar on the topic of international company information. Come listen to Peter Booth and Barry Vickery from LegalinX-7side Ltd, discuss the ins and outs of locating company filings. The presentation will focus on a handful of jurisdictions and will look at a number of areas including:

  • How foreign company information and filing requirements differ from those in the UK
  • Identifying the most popular off-shore jurisdictions and explaining their popularity
  • Discussing differences in filing requirements between Public and Private Companies (through a range of jurisdictions) and access to information
  • Locating ownership information when the parent / subsidiary might be foreign
  • Demonstrating how easy it is to make a company ‘invisible’, and discussing the implications for due diligence checks
  • Identifying a range of suffixes for companies and which countries use them
  • Exploring common questions, and highlighting some interesting statistics

Peter & Barry will also touch on the upcoming changes at Companies House.

Date: Wednesday, 15th October 2014
Time: 8am – 10am
Venue: Allen & Overy, One Bishops Square, London, E1 6AD
Cost: Free for members, £18 for non-members (non-member’s ticket price includes CLIG membership until the end of March 2015)

To register please fill in the attached form:

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