Knowledge Management in Law Firms - A Virtual Panel Talk with CLIG

Tuesday, 12th April 2022 at 7:00pm

CLIG warmly invites you to join our discussion “Knowledge Management in Law Firms”, in our virtual panel talk format. We’ve invited 4 experts to discuss key themes including:

  • What is KM and how is it different to information management?
  • What are some key responsibilities / initiatives for KM in law firms?
  • How do IM / KM professionals collaborate and how can the relationship be leveraged?
  • How to drive cultural change
  • How to evaluate new technology and systems – what questions should you be asking?
  • Successful KM technologies and initiatives
  • Key trends

 Join our knowledge experts:

 Jon Beaumont - Senior Manager of Knowledge Management at Shearman & Sterling LLP

Helene Russell – Author, Trainer, Lawyer and Consultant in knowledge management for law firms

Helen Watson – Knowledge & Information Manager at Michelmores

 Janet Scoones – Director of Information and KM at Trowers and Hamlins LLP

 If you have any questions for our panellists before the event, please do send them to so I can make sure I ask them. There will of course be chances for questions on the night too.

 Date: Tuesday April 12th

 Time: 7pm

 Venue: This is a virtual event via Zoom. Invites will be sent shortly before April 12th

 Cost: member £5 / non-member £30 (non-member’s ticket price includes one year’s CLIG membership – currently £25)

To register for this event please login to the member’s area and go to “Join CLIG events”. If you are a member having issues registering the event through the website, please contact

If you have not yet created an account you will need to do so here. Non-members and members who need to renew can now do this easily by selecting the pay by card option within the member’s area. For issues renewing online memberships please contact our membership secretary,”


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