CLIG Spring Party
Thursday, 22nd April 2010 at 7:00pm till 10:30pm
Join CLIG for our annual Spring Party enjoying panoramic views over London from the 31st floor of one of London’s newest landmarks, Broadgate Tower.
Wine and canapés will be served as you answer the quiz, admire the views or just chat with friends and colleagues. Our ever-popular raffle also makes a return, with kindly donated prizes.
Thanks to the generous sponsorship of Wildy & Sons and Wolters Kluwer the event is free to members* and just £15 for non members.
To book your place, please download, complete and return the attached flyer.
*Please note the membership year runs from 1 April to 31 March. You must be a current member at 22 April for free entry to the party. You can of course submit your membership application at the same time as the RSVP for the party.