CLIG Panel Talk “A Reflection on Careers: Legal Information Paths”
Monday, 26th July 2021 at 6:00pm
CLIG warmly invites you to our reflection on legal information careers. The last 16 or so months have forced cognitive shifts and perspective changes on all of us. Whether you’ve had career plans halted due to the pandemic or have had quiet time enough to meditate on the possibility of change, or perhaps you’ve spent so much time working remotely you feel you’ve lost touch with the wider perspective of what peers and colleagues are doing… Come and hear from our fantastic panel of speakers about their career paths.
We have a varied panel of speakers, some at the end looking back, others fully in the throng of change and development.
Join us and hear from:
Chrissy Street | Strategy Implementation Manager | RPC
Clare Brown | Legal Topic Specialist | Vable
Dunstan Speight | Librarian | Lincoln’s Inn
Loyita Worley | Information and Knowledge Management Expert
Date: Monday 26th July 2021
Time: Meeting from 6.00 pm
Venue: Online! Meeting invites will be sent to registered attendees
Cost for members: £5 (we can offer a free place for those that are unable to pay – please contact
Cost for non members: £30 (non-member’s ticket price includes one year’s CLIG membership – currently £25)
To register for this event, please click here. If prompted, enter your login details then click the Join button. If you are a registered member having issues registering the event through the website, please contact
If you have not yet created an account you will need to do so here. Non members and members who need to renew can now do this easily by selecting the pay by card option within the member’s area. For issues renewing online memberships please contact our membership secretary,