CLIG Networking Drinks - Generously sponsored by Lexis
Thursday, 19th October 2023 at 6:00pm
You are invited to join us for our AGM networking drinks and nibbles on Thursday 19th October, generously sponsored by Lexis.
Due to planned train strikes on the week of the AGM social, we are moving the date to Thursday 19th October. The official AGM proceedings will still go ahead as planned on the 5th at lunchtime via Zoom.
Date: Thursday 19th October
Time: from 6:00pm
Venue: Martha's Bar - The Williamson's Tavern, 1 Groveland Ct, London EC4M 9EH
Cost: Members free / non-members price £25 (non-member’s ticket price includes CLIG membership until March 2024)
To register for this event:
- To attend the social event please register here. If you have not yet created an account you will need to do so here. Lapsed members can renew their membership by selecting the pay by card option within the Member’s Area. For issues renewing online memberships please contact our membership secretary,
- Once registered, you will immediately be added to our list. Places will not be confirmed via email so please put it in your diary!
- If you can no longer attend the social event, please email This allows us to cater the event for accurate numbers.