Get on by Getting on with your Supplier

Posted Monday, 21st January 2019 by Jordan Murphy

Do you have an amazing relationship with all your representatives and suppliers? What strategies do you have of dealing with some suppliers who have a merry-go-round of representatives? How do you mitigate a breakdown in the relationship when your management team are asking you to negotiate harder? What would you like to be able to do more of with your suppliers but perhaps don’t have the resource or time?

Fiona Fogden will be talking about this knotty subject and will be canvassing her suppliers in the run-up to this session about what they consider makes for the most fruitful and stress free working relationship. To ensure this a 360 degree view she would also like to invite you to email answers to the questions below, not naming names of any product or representative. If you prefer to remain anonymous then you can use the form here.

  • What is your number one annoyance when dealing with a supplier?
  • Please give the top five skills or personality traits in your supplier that make it easiest to deal with them
  • Please note anything within your organisation that prevents you from doing your best with liaising with suppliers
  • Is there anything else you want to share about dealing with suppliers that you think would be helpful

The results will then be collated to see if there are any trends, shared experiences and learning opportunities.

Date: 25th February 2019

Time: 6.15 pm for a 6.30pm start

Venue: Stephenson Harwood LLP, 1 Finsbury Circus, London EC2M 7SH

Cost: £10 to members / non-member £28 (non-member’s ticket price includes one year’s CLIG membership until March 2020 – currently £18)

To register, email Jessica Leedham ( who will confirm your place and will advise you where to send your cheque for payment.